Wednesday, October 10, 2007

NovaNet Problems

Hey everyone. Well my day is going perfect *says sarcastically*. I had my weekly meeting with Mr. Schauf today. Stuff was going pretty well until we checked NovaNet. NovaNet is my math program. Mr. Schauf sent in a tech request to the administrator, so hopefully it will be working again. Anyway, last night I went out to play football with my friends. It was cold outside though, so I didn't stay out long. I listened to a good song on the radio. I think it was "Headstrong". And I went to sleep pretty early. I'm kind of going backwards from today to yesterday but you get the idea. Okay, back to today. I finally finished my meeting with Mr. Schauf. Now I'm just working on the story I'm writing. It's called Sanctioned Gems. It's about a hero who has to defeat an evil Demon King. Anyway, that's all for now.


grumpympo said...

Wikipedia: The fedora had been worn mostly in the early part of the twentieth century within metropolitan industrialized settings as a stylish way to protect from the wind and weather

Too bad you didn't have your fedora when you were playing football; you might not have gotten cold.

Anonymous said...

The fedora is a sacred Instrument worn only by heroes over the ages. So you Andrew are a sacred person.